Formal statements of organizational philosophy can embed culture when used for recruiting. Mới Nhất

Bí kíp Hướng dẫn Formal statements of organizational philosophy can embed culture when used for recruiting. Mới Nhất

Người Hùng đang tìm kiếm từ khóa Formal statements of organizational philosophy can embed culture when used for recruiting. 2022-10-11 03:56:29 san sẻ Mẹo về trong nội dung bài viết một cách 2022.

63.Organizational socialization changes people from _____ to ___.(p.. 79)

  • What are considered one of the strongest ways to embed organizational culture because they are meaningful and visible?

  • How does organizational socialization embed their cultures in new employees multiple choice question?

  • How do espoused values relate to the concept of organizational culture quizlet?

  • Which of the following are characteristic of companies with a market culture?

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AACSB: Reflective thinkingBlooms: KnowledgeDifficulty: EasyKreitner – Chapter 03 #63Learning Objective: 03-8Topic: The Organizational Socialization

64.Which of the following is the correct sequence of stages in the organizational socialization process?(p.. 80)A.Change and acquisition, anticipatory

socialization, encounter
B.Encounter, change and acquisition, anticipatory socializationC.Encounter, anticipatory socialization, change and acquisitionD.Anticipatory socialization, change and acquisition,

E.Anticipatory socialization, encounter, change and acquisitionThe anticipatory socialization phase occurs before an individual actually joins an organization; thesecond phase begins when the employment contract has been signed. During the encounter phaseemployees come to learn what the

organization is really like, and the change and acquisition phase
requires employees to master important tasks and roles and to adjust to their work group’s values andnorms.

BSAD – Ch 14- culture-

What Does It Mean to Fit?Person–environment fit (P-E)is “the compatibilitybetween an individual and a work environment that occurs when their characteristics are well matched.”1Although there are many types of fit, we are interested inperson–organization fit (P-O),which reflects the extent to which yourpersonality and values match the climate and culture in an organization.P-O fit matters because good fit is associated with morepositive work attitudes and task performance, lower intentions to quit, and less

2The process of assessing fit begins during therecruiting phase. Your goal should be to discover whether you and the job or the organization are a good fit for each other.3Defining Culture and Exploring Its ImpactOrganizational

is defined as “the set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and thatdetermines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments.”9This definition highlights four importantcharacteristics of organizational

Shared concept.Organizational culture consists of beliefs and values shared among a group of people.Learned over time.Culture is passed to new employees through the processes of socialization and mentoring, discussed later

this chapter.Page 548Influences behavior at work.Its influence on behavior is the reason “culture eats strategy for breakfast.”Affects outcomes at multiple levels.Culture affects outcomes

at the individual, group/team, and organizational levels.
Organizational culture operates on three levels:1.Observable artifacts.2.Espoused values.3.Basic underlying assumptions.Level 1:

Observable Artifacts
At the most visible level, culture consists of observable artifacts.Artifactsarethe physical manifestation of an organization’s culture.They

Acronyms.Manner of dress.Awards.Page 549Myths and stories told about the

Published lists of values.Observable rituals and ceremonies.Special parking spaces.Pictures and images handing on walls.Level 2:

Espoused Values
Espoused valuesarethe explicitly stated qualities and norms preferred by an organization.They are generally established by the founder of a new or small company and by the top management team in a larger organization. Mostcompanies have a short list. For example, Ikea’s espoused values are

humility, willpower, simplicity, togetherness, and enthusiasm.
14Googleand Zappos each have 10 espoused values.Enacted valuesare the qualities and norms that are exhibited or converted into employee behavior.These are values

ascribe to an organization based on their observations of what occurs on a daily basis. As at CVS, managers should reduce gaps betweenespoused and enacted values because they can significantly influence employee attitudes and organizational performance.

What are considered one of the strongest ways to embed organizational culture because they are meaningful and visible?

Because they are meaningful and visible, reward systems have a strong impact on employees and are one of the strongest ways to embed organizational culture. For example, team-based rewards reinforce a clan culture, while individual rewards are better suited for market cultures.

How does organizational socialization embed their cultures in new employees multiple choice question?

How does organizational socialization embed their cultures in new employees? Practical guidelines derived from socialization research include which of the following? New hires are positively affected by formalized socialization procedures. Socialization tactics can reinforce ethical behaviors.

How do espoused values relate to the concept of organizational culture quizlet?

Espoused values represent the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization. Basic underlying assumptions are unobservable and represent the core of organizational culture.

Which of the following are characteristic of companies with a market culture?

Which of the following are characteristic of companies with a market culture? They are focused externally and value stability, they are driven by results and achieving goals.

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