Mẹo Hướng dẫn Which mail service is used to ensure that mail is delivered only to a specific addressee or an authorized agent of the addressee? Mới Nhất
Hero đang tìm kiếm từ khóa Which mail service is used to ensure that mail is delivered only to a specific addressee or an authorized agent of the addressee? 2022-10-17 12:16:04 san sẻ Bí kíp về trong nội dung bài viết một cách Mới Nhất.
14 FAM 720
DIPLOMATIC POUCH (CT:LOG-346;�� 03-21-2022) 14 FAM 721 �DIPLOMATIC POUCH POLICY (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. The Diplomatic Pouch and Mail Division (A/LM/PMP/DPM) provides diplomatic classified and unclassified pouch services for official items to the Department and to all agencies operating abroad under chief-of-mission (COM) authority.� Classified pouch services are provided in conjunction with b. Items sent in the diplomatic pouch are solely at the risk of the sender.� The Department assumes no responsibility for loss of or damage to items sent via the diplomatic pouch.� Registry, insurance, and other special postal services are c.� The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and international law limit the use of diplomatic pouches to diplomatic documents and articles intended for official use.� The Department permits authorized pouch users at some posts to d. The USPS recognizes the Department of State as the agent for addressees and considers mail “delivered” to addressee upon delivery to the Department, at which point the mail passes outside of USPS control and is no longer 14 FAM 722 �Diplomatic Pouch (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Diplomatic pouches are opaque, sealed bags or crates b. Article 27(3) of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCDR) requires that “the diplomatic bag shall not be opened or detained.”� This provision precludes the inspection of pouch contents, including by x-ray examination, whether pouches are entering or leaving the host country.� With regard to outgoing pouches, guidance c.� The standard pouch colors and their limitations for use are: (1)� Tangerine canvas or nylon bags or plastic cases are used for classified pouches only.� Tangerine pouches must not be used for unclassified shipments; (2)� White canvas or nylon bags are used for unclassified pouches; and (3)� Gray/black plastic bags are used for d. U.S. Postal Service (USPS) mailbags must not be used for diplomatic pouch shipments. e. Specific pouch contents must not be discussed with or disclosed to any unauthorized person, either U.S. citizen or foreign national.� Communications that discuss pouch contents must be marked at least “Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU).”� Depending on the specific information provided pertinent to the item(s) discussed, communications f.� See 14 FAH-4 H-213.1for types of pouch containers and weight limitations. 14 FAM 723 �items in pouches 14 FAM 723.1 �Items That May Be Transported in a Diplomatic Pouch (CT:LOG-332;�� 11-03-2021) a. Primary purpose:� The primary use of the diplomatic pouch is to transport b. Official unclassified items:� Unclassified items are sent to posts from ��� NOTE:� “Items” does not mean official purchases from vendors.� Posts must use the U.S. Despatch Agencies for shipment of official unclassified supplies or equipment from a vendor.� In urgent situations, posts may c.� Official classified items:� While the Department places no size or weight limit on official items being sent d. Personal mail:� Authorized personnel at Category B posts (see 14 FAH-4 H-113.2) have full use of the diplomatic pouch for personal mail.� Eligible personal items for authorized personnel at Category B posts are letters, flats, and parcels that are limited in size, 14 FAM 723.2 �Items That May Not Be Transported in a Diplomatic Pouch (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Prohibited items:� Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations require that all parcels boarding aircraft be x-rayed.� The Department x-rays items for outgoing pouch transmission at A/LM/PMP/DPM’s Unclassified b. Unclassified official supplies:� See (1)� The diplomatic pouch must not be used to transport unclassified items procured from vendors for official use, except in very limited circumstances (see (2)� The Department must not use the Military Postal Service (MPS) or Diplomatic Post Office (DPO) to transport official supplies.� Official unclassified supplies for Category A or Category C posts should be transported through the Department’s Despatch Agency system, through international mail, commercial courier or cargo services. c.� Packaging:� Items intended for (1)� Cushion fragile items to withstand rough handling in processing, transportation, and delivery; e.g., to withstand a 10-foot drop without breakage; (2)� Seal powders and allowable liquids in plastic bags to prevent spillage and leakage; (3)� (4)� Provide enough space for the cushioning material, and ensure the size of the box is adequate to contain the items; and (5)� Use boxes with the appropriate strength for the weight of the contents: (a)� Paperboard boxes may be used for easy and average loads up to 10 lbs; (b)� Metal-stayed paperboard boxes for easy and average loads up to 20 lbs; (c)� Solid and corrugated fiberboard boxes as (d)� Good, rigid, used boxes with all flaps intact are acceptable. d. Personal items:� U.S. Government employees (or anyone acting on the employee’s behalf) may not use the diplomatic pouch to transport personal items to a post abroad or to a domestic address, except in very limited circumstances (see (1)� Household effects (HHE) and unaccompanied baggage (UAB), including professional materials.� See (2)� Items for personal businesses (such as hair-dressing products); (3)� Items for charitable donation (such as school supplies for an orphanage); and (4)� Items intended for sale or resale (such as cookies). e. Hazmat:� Diplomatic pouches must not contain items that: (1)� Are illegal to import into or export from the country of origin or (2)� Violate the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR); or (3)� Are harmful to human life or the environment.� An attempt to transmit items that are prohibited will result in loss of pouch privileges and disciplinary action (see 14 FAM 726). f.� Mass mailings:� Individuals, organizations, and businesses are not authorized to g. Extra services:� The Department and USPS do not accept items for transmission abroad in a diplomatic pouch that require extra services such as cash on delivery (COD), insured mail, registered mail, restricted delivery, special handing or adult signature required and adult signature restricted delivery.� If a sender requests one of these services, USPS returns the 14 FAM 723.3 �Bulk Shipments Through the Diplomatic Pouch (CT:LOG-276;�� 10-1-2019) a. Definition of bulk shipment:� A shipment(s) that arrives at DPM/U within 7 calendar days (whether a single item or multiple parcels) that exceeds 6 cubic feet in volume (approximately the size of five copy paper boxes) and is addressed to one addressee/household.� Bulk shipments also include (1)� To determine the volume of a box in cubic feet, multiply width x length x depth (all in inches) and divide the sum by 1728 (equates to 1 cubic foot).� For example, a box that (2)� Bulk shipments cannot be split in order to avoid transportation charges. Bulk shipments require the intended recipient or sender to pay transportation costs and any other fees associated with the shipment. b. Department Of State official bulk shipments: (1)� Avoid bulk shipments:� Posts are required to scrutinize (2)� (3)� Pay for bulk shipments:� Once a bulk shipment arrives at DPM/U, an email c.� Other-agency official bulk shipments:� Oversized or bulk shipments of unclassified items for other agencies may be sent via the unclassified pouch at the expense of the originating agency (1)� The originator must arrange to deliver the materials to the DPM/U facility (SA-32), 44132 Mercure Circle, Sterling, VA� 20166 (located off Route 606, approximately 3 1/2 miles west from Route 28); (2)� The originator must notify in advance of the delivery; and (3)� Fiscal data must be sent in advance via email to to pay for the shipment or to provide fiscal data for the fiscal year. d. Personal bulk shipments:� The Department discourages personal bulk shipments by pouch.� Personal bulk shipments cannot be dropped off at SA-32 due to security regulations.� In the sự kiện that a personal bulk shipment is delivered to SA-32 via an authorized mode of transport, DPM/U requires the item to fit in a diplomatic pouch and the employee must pay transportation costs and any other fees incurred in advance of shipment.� Items that do not fit in a diplomatic pouch are 14 FAM 724 �use of the diplomatic pouch 14 FAM 724.1 �Official Items in the Pouch 14 FAM 724.1-1 �U.S. Government Agencies (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) Any office of a U.S. Government agency that participates in International Cooperative Administrative Support Services 14 FAM 724.1-2 �Institutional Contractors, Grantees, Fellows, Awardees, and Recipients of Cooperative Agreements (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Institutional contractors, such as commercial firms, nonprofit (1)� The other agency agrees to reimburse the Department for the cost of transporting the contractor’s mail; (2)� The other agency agrees to receive, sort, and bundle mail for the final destination, then deliver it to the Department for pouching; and (3)� The other agency agrees to receive mail of its contractors from b. Correspondence from domestic locations to post must be given to the U.S. Government agency for pouch transmission to post.� All correspondence must originate in the U.S. Government agency’s domestic office, must have the correct return address of the U.S. Government agency, and must be addressed to the U.S. Government agency’s office at a post abroad. NOTE:� For the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), official mail should be ����� Name of Individual or Organization c.� Correspondence from the contractor’s location abroad to the U.S. Government agency’s domestic location must be given to the U.S. Government agency’s office at post for pouch transmission to Washington, DC.� All correspondence must originate from the U.S. Government agency’s office d. Official mail of institutional contractors is limited to letters and flats with a maximum weight of two (2) pounds.� Agencies may authorize personal letters and flats up to a maximum weight of two (2) pounds.� Institutional contractors are not authorized to receive ��� NOTE:� For USAID, personal mail of institutional contractors is limited to letters and flats with a maximum weight of one (1) pound. e. Local-hire contractors are not authorized pouch usage. 14 FAM 724.1-3 �Personal Office and Training Materials (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. U.S. Government employees are authorized to send a one-time shipment of personal b. U.S. Government employees and locally employed (LE) staff attending training away from their post of record are authorized to send official training materials to their assigned post via pouch.� The weight limit per box is 70 pounds.� Users of the pouch must ensure that all pouch size and weight limitations are met.� Bulk shipment limitations must not be exceeded as (1)� From training in Washington, DC, employees and LE staff are authorized to send training material through the Internal Mail and Messenger Service (IMMS), with no postage affixed, for forwarding to post.� All items must have a valid Department office return address or the items will be rejected; (2)� From training at a post abroad or a domestic location with pouch (3)� From training at a domestic location without pouch capabilities, employees and LE staff are authorized to send training material via USPS, with postage affixed, to their post’s Washington, DC pouch address (see 14 FAM 724.2 �Personal Mail in the Pouch (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Persons eligible to send or receive personal items through the diplomatic pouch must meet the criteria in 14 FAM 724.2, b. Authorized users: (1)� Must have duty-không lấy phí (2)� Must be included in the ICASS Basic Package headcount, and their sponsoring agency must subscribe to ICASS pouching services at post (NOTE:� Although interns are not counted in Basic Package, they are authorized full use of the pouch if their sponsoring agency subscribes to ICASS pouching services at post); and (3)� c.� Authorized users of the diplomatic pouch include the following individuals and their eligible family members: (1)� U.S. citizen and non-U.S. citizen assigned personnel of the U.S. Government (as described in 6 FAH-5 H-352.1); (2)� Interns of the Federal government (as described in (3)� Offshore U.S. citizen and non-U.S. citizen personal services contractors (PSCs) whose contract creates an employer/employee relationship with the parent U.S. Government agency (as described in 6 FAH-5 H-352.3-1). ����� NOTE:� Eligible family members are entitled to d. Authorized users must pay domestic postage rates and must address mail as described in 14 FAM 742.2-1, subparagraph b (2).� Mail transmitted in diplomatic pouches is not subject to foreign customs clearance standards. 14 FAM 724.3 �Balloting Materials in the Pouch (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) All posts 14 FAM 724.4 �Congressional Mail in the Pouch (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. b. If congressional mail is enclosed in an official congressional franked envelope, then it requires no postage.� Other congressional communications in unofficial envelopes sent from posts and addressed to an addressee in the United States requires domestic postage at the official rate for the type of service desired from Washington, DC to the addressee. c.� Costs associated with personal mail for visiting d. The Department forwards parcels for Members of Congress from posts to U.S. Customs in Washington, D.C. and informs the office of the Member e. Congressional parcels must be registered and comply with pouch requirements for size and weight limitations. f.� For pouches containing congressional mail, posts must email the with the registry number, pouch invoice number, date of dispatch, routing, and air waybill number. 14 FAM 724.5 �Reserved 14 FAM 724.6 �Use of Pouch by Individual Non-Personal (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. For institutional contractors grantees, fellows, and individuals under cooperative agreements, (see 14 FAM 724.1-2). b. Individual non-personal services contractors (as described in 6 FAH-5 H-352.4) are not automatically granted use of the diplomatic pouch 14 FAM 724.7 �Use (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Locally employed staff (LE staff), as described in 6 FAH-5 H-352.2, may use the diplomatic pouch to send and receive items relating to official U.S. Government business. b. LE staff may not use the pouch for personal mail.� However, due to extenuating circumstances, there may be exceptions to this policy for LE staff 14 FAM 724.8 �Use of Pouch by Fulbright Scholars (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Fulbright scholars, as described in 6 FAH-5 H-352.7, are authorized to make a one-time shipment of educational materials to the American embassy or ����� Cultural Affairs Officer The Fulbright scholar’s name must appear in the return address. b. Fulbright scholars assigned to a country with a Category A, Category B, or Category C post may use the pouch for letter mail up to 2-pounds to and from the United States.� Letters must be addressed as follows: ����� Name of Grantee Fulbright scholars must also use this address as the return address on all c.� Do not include any mention of the U.S. Embassy, the Department, Fulbright, or any other official title references in addresses using the 20189 ZIP code.� The 20189 ZIP code can only be used for letter mail up to the 2-pound limit and cannot be used for mailing of the one-time shipment of educational materials. 14 FAM 724.9 �International Organization Detailees (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) U.S. Government employees assigned to 14 FAM 724.10 �Peace Corps (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Peace Corps administrative staff members are authorized use of the pouch for personal mail as long as they are included in the ICASS Basic Package headcount and subscribe to ICASS pouching services at post for outgoing mail.� Peace Corps administrative staff who are not included in the ICASS Basic Package headcount are not authorized use of the diplomatic b. Peace Corps volunteers (as described in 6 FAH-5 H-352.9) are not authorized use of the diplomatic pouch for personal mail. c.� Peace Corps administrative staff not included in the ICASS headcount and Peace Corps volunteers may receive through the pouch, in emergencies, items vital for health such as prescription medicines and eyeglasses, and legal or financial documents. 14 (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Schools assisted by the Office of Overseas Schools (A/OPR/OS), as described in 6 FAH-5 H-352.10, are authorized to use the diplomatic pouch for official first-class letter mail, e.g., invoices, testing materials, correspondence, etc.� (Include items such as educational pamphlets, periodicals, video cassettes, CDs and ����� Management Officer for [name of school] b. Schools abroad are not authorized to use the diplomatic pouch for shipment of supplies such as books and equipment.� U.S. Despatch Agencies are authorized to provide shipping services on behalf of U.S. Government-sponsored schools abroad.� Books as well as other educational c.� For emergency orders that constitute a d. Employees of U.S. Government-sponsored schools are not authorized to use the diplomatic pouch for personal mail. 14 FAM 724.12 �Use of Pouch by Employee Associations Abroad (CT:LOG-59;�� 05-06-2009) Employee associations (American, locally employed staff, and/or Foreign Service national 14 FAM 724.13 �Use of Pouch by Foreign Students Traveling to the United States for Educational Purposes (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. The b. Students should be advised to hand carry course materials when they return.� However, if this is impracticable, foreign students may use the diplomatic pouch only to return course material from the United States to post, where there is no Military Postal Service (MPS) tư vấn available at c.� The Defense representative must ensure that the course material is addressed properly (to his or her office), forwarded to the student, and confirm that items for students do not include goods or merchandise within a course material container. d. The post pouch control officer is 14 FAM 724.14 �U.S. Firms and Private Organizations (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Diplomatic pouches transport official items of the U.S. Government.� Overseas entities of U.S. commercial firms and private organizations are not permitted to use the Department’s diplomatic pouch for business or personal mail. b. In extreme emergencies, the chief-of-mission may authorize U.S. firms, individuals, c.� In nonemergency cases, the chief-of-mission must request advance approval from the Assistant Secretary for Administration on behalf of a U.S. firm or private organization to use the diplomatic pouch.� The request must include full justification 14 FAM 724.15 �Diplomatic Correspondence of Foreign Governments and International Organizations (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Diplomatic pouches transport official items of the U.S. Government.� Foreign governments and international organizations are not permitted to use the Department’s diplomatic pouch. b. In isolated instances, the chief-of-mission may request authorization to send official correspondence of a foreign government c.� When the Department authorizes this exception, the correspondence of a foreign government or an international organization must be processed and distributed the same way U.S. Government official correspondence is dispatched. 14 FAM 724.16 �Members of Household, U.S. Citizens Living Abroad, and Locally Hired U.S. Citizens (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Members of household (MOH; see b. A U.S. citizen living abroad who is not assigned to post for a tour of duty, is not an eligible family thành viên, does not possess an official or diplomatic passport, or is not on temporary duty status, must not use the diplomatic pouch, except: (1)� MED may send dietary supplements to post for U.S. citizens incarcerated abroad (see (2)� Post may ship the personal effects of a deceased U.S. citizen to the next of kin where the effects are under the bulk shipment limitation.� For more than 6 cubic feet of personal effects, a freight forwarding company must be used (see 7 FAM 297.3). c.� U.S. citizen employees hired locally (as d. All of the categories of persons in this section, if U.S. citizens, may use the pouch for balloting materials (see 14 FAM 724.3). 14 14 FAM 725.1 �Conveyance of Diplomatic Pouches (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Diplomatic pouches are most often transported by commercial airlines including regularly scheduled passenger flights, chartered flights, U.S. Government aircraft, and special tư vấn flights. b. Diplomatic pouches may also be transported by truck, car, ferry, train, or any other means of conveyance. c.� Unclassified 14 FAM 725.2 �Defense Courier Service (DCS) (CT:LOG-59;�� 05-06-2009) For procedures on using the Defense Courier Service to transport classified material for the Department, 14 FAM 725.3 �Post Restrictions (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. In certain circumstances, there can be restrictions on the size, weight, number, or physical characteristics of the diplomatic pouch.� At times, these restrictions are set by the host country; for example, where a country does not recognize a crate as a diplomatic pouch.� Moreover, these b. A complete and current list of post restrictions is listed on the A/LM/PMP/DPM website under the Unclassified Pouch and Classified Pouch tabs. c.� Post’s pouch control officer (PCO) must notify DPM through email to the if new restrictions are imposed or current restrictions are changed or lifted. 14 FAM 726 �ABUSE 14 FAM 726.1 �Consequences for Abuse of Pouch Privileges (CT:LOG-346;�� 03-21-2022) a. Abuse of the diplomatic pouch is generally one of three kinds: (1)� An authorized user as defined in 14 FAM 724.2 sends or receives a prohibited item; (2)� An item has been sent or received by an unauthorized user; or (3)� An authorized user (as defined in 14 FAM 724.2) sends or receives an unclassified item through the classified pouch; or sends or receives a classified item through the unclassified pouch. b. A/LM/PMP/DPM tracks pouch and mail infractions across assignments/posts.� Any combination of three pouch and/or DPO mail incidents in a 10-year period will result in c.� The consequences outlined below for infractions do not exclude any oral or written counseling, admonishment, formal disciplinary actions, or other employment actions that may result from a failure to comply with the policies as stated in d. Suspected abuse of the diplomatic pouch must be reported to the pouch control officer (PCO).� For a first offense: �When abuse does occur, the PCO must immediately: (1)� Provide the offender a verbal warning, reminding them of diplomatic pouch and mail policies and restrictions; (2)� Document all circumstances (3)� Submit a Pouch Discrepancy Report via ILMS-DPM; (4)� Consult with A/LM/PMP/DPM regarding any reimbursement obligation; (5)� Where applicable, work with post management to promptly develop, implement, and publish post-specific remedies for pouch abuse; and (6)� Inform the offender that this incident or any other violation of pouch policy may result in: (a)� Further action, (b)� An obligation to reimburse transportation costs; and/or (c)� Suspension of the offender’s diplomatic pouch and mail privileges. e. As indicated in 14 FAM 726.1, paragraph c, a first offense or any subsequent violation of pouch policy may be referred to GTM/ER, or for LE (1)� For a second offense: �The PCO must collaborate with post’s management officer (or equivalent) and issue a written notification of a suspension and restriction of DPM privileges for a limited amount of time (determined by post management); and (2)� For a third offense:� The Director of NOTE:� During suspension and/or removal of pouch privileges, all pouch mail, except first-class letter mail, received addressed to the offender will be endorsed “Returned to Sender, Not Authorized DPM Privileges” by the DPM f.� In accordance with 14 FAM 726.1, paragraph d, pouch discrepancy reports must be submitted via ILMS-DPM and the PCO must attach a copy of all supporting documents of pouch violations when they occur. �Include the name of the individual, organization, parent organization in Washington, DC, registry numbers, classification, and a detailed description of the g. The Director of A/LM/PMP/DPM will assist post management in interpreting rules and regulations, determining the severity of abuse, and making recommendations. �Abuse or misuse of the diplomatic pouch may be investigated further by appropriate law enforcement officials depending on the seriousness of the incident. h. DPM encourages employees and authorized users to report suspected or known abuse of diplomatic pouch or mail services to the Office i.� PCOs who fail to follow the procedures as stipulated here may be subject to administrative or disciplinary action, up to and including separation. 14 FAM 726.2 �Consequences for Mailing Dangerous Goods (CT:LOG-346;�� a. The mailing of dangerous goods via the diplomatic pouch may be considered a serious infraction as it can present serious dangers to aircraft, passengers, and/or cause serious diplomatic concerns with host nations.� Upon notification by DPM of serious infractions to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR), post, with the assistance of the PCO and their bureau executive office or post management (1)� Provide a letter of notification to the employee, requiring a signed reply acknowledging that the employee understands the policies and that this and/or any future violations of pouch policy may be referred to GTM/ER, or for LE staff to post’s HR office, for review for possible disciplinary action and that the employee’s [authorized user’s] privilege is suspended pending receipt of the acknowledgment; (2)� (3)� Allow the employee 15 days to submit a written response to notification of the violation. b. IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, Section 9, requires DPM to report undeclared or mis-declared dangerous goods to the appropriate Department authorities whenever discovered.� Incidents at SA-32 must be reported via a Pouch c.� PCOs who fail to follow the procedures as stipulated here may be subject to administrative or disciplinary action, up to and including separation. 14 (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Other agencies must reimburse the Department either through direct billing or through the ICASS agreement for the cost of processing and/or transporting their material. b. Washington, D.C. origin unclassified: (1)� Diplomatic Pouch and Mail (A/LM/PMP/DPM) receives ICASS funding for processing and transportation of unclassified diplomatic pouches from the Department to posts abroad, (2)� The receiving post pays for all local delivery charges and any other local fees for pouches arriving at post. c.� Washington, D.C. origin classified: (1)� A/LM/PMP/DPM receives ICASS funding for the cost of processing classified diplomatic pouches from the Department and other agencies to posts abroad, which includes (2)� The Diplomatic Courier Service (DS/C/DC) receives program funds for courier services and transportation of routine Department classified diplomatic pouches measuring 29″ x 29″ x 29″ or 14 cubic feet or smaller.� DS/C/DC charges Department customers for the transportation of non-routine shipments to include deadline delivery date (DDD) material.� Department programs and projects that have ongoing classified shipping requirements (3)� The receiving post pays d. Post origin unclassified:� Originating posts fund personnel and pouch transportation costs through post funds (either through ICASS or a direct charge to the agency sending the pouch).� The post also pays extraneous charges (e.g., surcharges, fees, handling charges) for dispatching all outgoing unaccompanied pouches. e. f.� Bulk shipment:� A bulk shipment is defined as a shipment that exceeds 6 cubic feet in volume, and is destined to one addressee/household.� A single item or crate shipment of 150 pounds or more may require additional coordination and transportation fees depending on the destination.� For questions, contact .� The post, office, agency, or individual sending an unclassified bulk shipment from Washington, DC to post must provide funding details for pouch g. A/LM/PMP/DPM has authority from 31 U.S.C. 9701, “Fees and Charges for Government Services and Things of Value,” to obtain reimbursement for the transportation costs of unauthorized shipments of material via diplomatic pouch, including unauthorized personal shipments.� PCOs must document each incident, 14 FAM 728 �RESPONSIBILITY FOR DIPLOMATIC POUCHES 14 FAM 728.1 �Pouch Control Officer (PCO) (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. The Director of Diplomatic Pouch and Mail (A/LM/PMP/DPM) is the appointed pouch control officer (PCO) for the Department of State.� Each post or domestic facility that processes diplomatic b. The PCO is responsible for: (1)� Implementing pouch policies and procedures at facilities where diplomatic pouches are processed; (2) Enforcing the regulations set forth in this chapter and implementing the procedures set forth in 14 FAH-4 relating to the diplomatic pouch; (3)� Informing all users of the diplomatic pouch policies in this chapter and the procedures in 14 FAH-4 to ensure that pouch abuse does not occur; and (4)� Monitoring the use of the diplomatic pouch for suspected pouch abuse, and receiving and reporting of suspected pouch abuse from others (see c.� If the PCO suspects that any material may not qualify for diplomatic pouch service, the PCO is authorized to open and inspect, in the presence of one witness, any item submitted for pouch dispatch.� This inspection specifically includes compliance with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.� Originators who refuse to allow inspection may not d. Classified pouches must be opened, closed, or inspected only in the classified pouch facility, and only by Top Secret-cleared U.S. employees.� The PCO must appoint the Top Secret-cleared U.S. citizens in writing by name.� Additionally, the e. Unclassified pouches must be opened, closed, or inspected in the unclassified mail facility, only by authorized employees assigned to the mail facility.� The PCO must designate the personnel in writing by name, and visibly display the authorization list in the mail facility.� A cleared U.S. citizen does not need to be present during the opening of unclassified pouches that do not require special handling 14 FAM 728.2 �Department Managers (CT:LOG-271;�� a. Department managers, supervisors, and employees are responsible for ensuring efficient use of the diplomatic pouch based on the policies set forth in this subchapter. b. Department managers must ensure that all pouch users are aware of the policies in this chapter and procedures in 14 FAH-4 governing the use of the diplomatic pouch by authorized employees and U.S. Government agencies to ensure that pouch abuse does not occur.� When abuse does occur, Department managers c.� The Director of A/LM/PMP/DPM will interpret rules and regulations and make decisions if requested to do so. 14 FAM 728.3 �Post Management (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Post management must develop, implement, and publish post-specific procedures based on 14 FAM 700 and b. Post management must develop, implement, and publish post-specific policies based on 14 FAM 700 and c.� Post management must develop, implement, and publish post-specific criteria based on 14 FAM 700 and 14 FAM 728.4 �Other Agencies (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) Other U.S. Government agencies are responsible for items shipped via the pouch for or by their personnel. 14 FAM 728.5 �Diplomatic Couriers and Courier Escorts (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Diplomatic couriers are Foreign Service specialists who are responsible for transporting classified diplomatic pouches between Washington, DC and posts abroad. b. (1)� Processing and preparing classified pouches for dispatch; (2)� Receiving classified pouches and delivering classified pouches to diplomatic couriers; (3)� Opening and processing classified pouches; and (4)� Making further arrangements for pick up or delivery of classified contents to an addressee’s designated cleared American citizen c.� Diplomatic courier escorts are Top Secret-cleared American citizen employees dispatched to assist diplomatic couriers with providing security, or transferring custody of classified diplomatic pouches.� All agencies at post that use the classified pouch share responsibility for providing diplomatic courier escorts.� See 12 FAM 151.1, paragraph a.� For posts that have a classified pouch d. See 12 FAM 120 for diplomatic courier duties. 14 FAM 729 �General PROCEDURES FOR preparing DIPLOMATIC POUCHES (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) a. Detailed procedures for processing classified and unclassified diplomatic pouches (1)� Ensure all individual items show a complete return address.� Items without a valid return address must not be accepted; (2)� Verify all containers used as diplomatic pouches display the Department, post abroad, or the U.S. Department of State as the addressor and as the addressee on the (3)� Double check that every diplomatic pouch dispatched, regardless of content, contain a Form DS-3082, Pouch Invoice listing the registered items in the pouch.� Place a copy of the pouch invoice on top of the items inside the pouch bag, or insert the invoice in the pocket inside the pouch, or place it in an envelope and attach it to the container. b. Domestic and overseas facilities are required to use the Integrated 14 FAM Exhibit 723.2 � (CT:LOG-271;�� Diplomatic pouches in both the unclassified and classified channels must not contain items that are classified as “dangerous goods” or require any outside container marking or labeling as required in the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations.� At the time of ordering, customers are encouraged to ask the vendor if a hazard label is required on the outside of the package for international air shipments.� If a hazard label is required, the Questions regarding potentially prohibited items should be sent to for final decision.� Items known as prohibited for dispatch by diplomatic pouch either from the United States to overseas, or from overseas to the United States, or (1)� Agriculture products (e.g., plants, seeds, bulbs, soil, fertilizer, plant food, wood chips, fruits, etc.); (2)� Alcoholic beverages (e.g., beer, wine, liquor, any liquid containing alcohol); (3)� Ammunition (e.g., blanks, caps, shells, simulated ammo); (4)� Animals, endangered species products (e.g., lab samples, insects, etc.); (5)� Batteries: (a)� Sealed and unsealed lead acid; (b)� Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) wet cell batteries (car batteries with electrolytes); (c)� Lithium batteries that are: i.����� Shipped alone; or ii.����� Not installed in a device; or iii.���� Determined by manufacturer/vendor that a Lithium Battery Handling Label or a Class 9 Dangerous Goods Label is required, or; iv.���� Not packaged in accordance with provisions listed on the A/LM/PMP/DPM website (see (d)� Battery-powered portable electronic smoking devices (e.g., e-cigarettes, e-cigs, e-cigars, e-pipes, personal vaporizers, electronic nicotine delivery systems), and (e)� Hover boards are prohibited in all personal-property shipments moved by air, e.g. unaccompanied air baggage and household effects shipments shipped by air.� The (6)� Bulk shipments:� The diplomatic pouch should not be used for official unclassified supplies or equipment from a vendor except in very limited circumstances (see (7)� Charitable donations of goods; (8)� Compressed gases and aerosols (e.g., hairspray, cylinders containing residual pressure, inhalers for asthma (consult the Office of Medical Services (MED)); (9)� Corrosives (e.g., car batteries with electrolytes); (10) Currency (cash); (11) DEA Schedule 1 controlled substances and drugs; (12) DEA Schedule 2, 3, and 4 controlled substances to be used without a prescription (e.g. OxyContin, Percocet or Valium, which are brand names for certain generic controlled substances).� See 14 FAM Exhibit (13) Dry ice; (14) Explosives or inert training devices resembling explosives; (15) Firearms and objects resembling weapons or dangerous objects (e.g., air rifles, paintball guns, training weapons, weapons and/or gun parts made/fashioned by three-dimensional (3D) printers, etc.); (16) Flammable liquids (e.g., nail polish and remover, hand sanitizer, lens wipes, (17) Flammable solids (e.g., fire tablets, safety matches, sterno gel); (18) Fragile items that are broken and/or improperly packaged so as to have the potential to cause personal injury or damage to pouch contents (see 14 FAM 723.2, paragraph c, for packaging standards); (19) Gel packs and instant ice (20) Household Effects (HHE) or Unaccompanied Baggage (UAB) per 14 FAM 742.4-1; (21) Human remains (e.g., cremains, organs); (22) Incendiary materials such as road flares, cigarette lighters, self-starting charcoal, magnesium bars, MRE meals with heaters, etc.; (23) Infectious substances (IATA Category A and B), toxins, (24) Items for resale (e.g., Girl Scout cookies, magazines, etc.); (25) Light bulbs containing hazardous material, such as compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs); (26) Liquids in excess of 16 oz. in a single parcel in any type of container defined as anything that flows like any viscous substance and can ruin the contents of a pouch (includes (27) Magnetic materials that can damage computer software and other electrical equipment (e.g., speakers); (28) Noise emitting devices:� Any device that cannot be completely disabled from emitting any noise, signal, or vibration while in transit.� Batteries must be removed or the item must be completely unwound and locked in this position (such as clocks, watches, timers, alarms, radios, toys, etc.); (29) Oxidizers:� All oxidizing substances and organic peroxides are prohibited; (30) Perishable goods – items liable to perish, decay or spoil rapidly, such as fresh meat, seafood, fruits, and certain temperature-sensitive medical products (i.e., blood diagnostics, etc.).� In general, items that cannot withstand large temperature changes; (31) Pressurized containers (e.g., “contents under pressure”); (32) Private business books, (33) Poisons or toxic and infectious substances; (34) Radioactive substances; (35) Tires:� Mounted to rims with compressed air.� See 14 FAM Exhibit 723.3for exceptions to this policy; and (36) Weapons or items that resemble weapons (e.g., any spring-loaded knife (switchblade), tactical knives, 14 FAM Exhibit 723.3 � (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) (1) Batteries:� Alkaline, NiCad, NiMH, and the small flat coin (2) Bulk shipments:� Bulk shipments are permitted in the pouch when transportation is funded by the customer (personal or official).� Funding details for official shipments must be provided to in advance to pay pouch transportation costs or for personal shipments, credit card information must be provided to the freight forwarder prior to shipment.� See (3) DEA Schedule 2, 3, and 4 controlled substances:� Schedule 2, 3 and 4 controlled substances can be shipped but must be in their original, labeled bottle indicating the name of the patient and the prescriber’s name and contact information. (4) Tires:� All automotive tires (single or multiple) are considered bulk shipments and require funding to ship via (a)� Official:� Tires can be shipped directly from vendor to appropriate U.S. Despatch Agency.� Official shipments cannot be shipped via the DPO, and (b)� Personal:� Tires should be shipped in household effects (HHE) if possible.� Tires can be shipped via DPO depending on size and location restrictions.� Questions may be directed to . 14 FAM Exhibit 728.1 � (CT:LOG-271;�� 06-12-2019) ![]() ������������������������������������� ![]() DATE:��������������� Month XX, 20XX TO: ����������������� The Record FROM:�������������� MGT – Full Legal Name SUBJECT:���������� Pouch Control Officer The following individual is appointed as the Pouch Control Officer (PCO) for Full Legal Name, Official Title The Pouch Control Officer is responsible for: (1)� Enforcing the regulations set forth in this chapter and implementing the procedures set forth in 14 FAH-4 relating to the diplomatic pouch; (2)� Informing all diplomatic pouch users of the policies in this chapter and the procedures in 14 FAH-4 to (3)� Monitoring use of the diplomatic pouch for suspected pouch abuse, and receiving and acting on reports of suspected pouch abuse from others (see 14 FAM 726 for policy and procedures on reporting pouch abuse); (4)� If the PCO suspects that any material may not qualify for diplomatic pouch service, the PCO is authorized to open and inspect, in the presence of (5)� Classified pouches must be opened, closed, (6)� Unclassified Controlled Air Pouch (UCAP) pouches must be delivered to the classified pouch room upon arrival and opened by Top Secret-cleared U.S. citizen employees (see (7)� Unclassified pouches must be opened, closed, or inspected in the unclassified mail facility only by authorized personnel assigned to the mail facility.� The PCO must designate the personnel in writing by name; the authorization list must be visibly posted in the mail facility.� A cleared U.S. citizen does not need to be present during the opening/closing of (8)� Enforcing the policies set forth in this subchapter and in 14 FAM 740 and implementing the procedures set forth in 14 FAH-4 relating to the processing of official mail, internal correspondence, personal mail and commercial courier deliveries; (9)� Ensuring that personal mail for departing employees is forwarded according to guidelines (10) Informing all users of the mail room of the policies in this subchapter and in 14 FAM 740 and the procedures in 14 FAH-4 Pouch and Mail Handbook to ensure that abuse of the Department’s mail and messenger services does not occur; (11) Monitoring the use of mail and messenger (12) Ensuring compliance with GSA’s Mail Center Security Guide and the Department’s safety regulations promulgated by OBO/OPS/SHEM; (13) Monitoring the use of official postage meters and franking machines for local official mailings, financed (14) Conducting quarterly unannounced audits of mail room local postage and local mail meter accounts; and (15) Ensuring that all ILMS records for DPM and MMS, to include the Customer Directory, are up to date and accurate. COMPLETED BY IMO FOR POUCH CONTROL OFFICER DESIGNATION I (Full Legal Name) certify that the nominated pouch control officer meets all requirements listed in references ______________________________ IMO Signature/Date Which mail service is used to ensure that mail is delivered only to a specific addressee?Mailers using Registered Mail Restricted Delivery can direct delivery only to the addressee (or addressee’s authorized agent). When typing a business letter what is the senders name entered?The sender’s address usually is included in letterhead. If you are not using letterhead, include the sender’s address at the top of the letter one line above the date. Do not write the sender’s name or title, as it is included in the letter’s closing. What is used in contractions to signify that one or more letters have been left out?In a contraction, an apostrophe shows where one or more letters have been left out. Contractions are commonly used in informal writing but not in formal writing. When answering a telephone call you should not?Top 10 Things to Avoid Doing When You Answer the Phone. Skip The Speaker Phone. It’s convenient, sure – but it doesn’t give your callers the sound quality they deserve. … . Ditch The Chewing Gum. … . Avoid Distractions. … . Eliminate Inconsistencies. … . Limit Background Noises. … . Don’t Whisper. … . Don’t Shout. … . Do Not Use Poor Equipment.. |
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